Bon Voyage Xanthrons! adios~
Wednesday, December 9, 2015 | 10:32 PM |
Assalamualaikum and Hello!
Setelah sekian lama tak update, and now I'm back.
Sekarang ni tengah free. Sebab apa? Dah habis SPM!
Anyway, lets take a look :
Classmate - 5 Bougainvillea
Crescendo Form 5
AJK Dinner Bon Voyage Xanthrons ( Form 5 )
Thanks to Aina for being my assistant. :)
Video and persembahan waktu dinner bolehlah click link bawah ni:
About me
Name: Fendi
Sex: Male
Birthday: 20 December 1998
Hobbies: Anime, Sports, Graphic Design and Games
Favourite sport: Basketball
Get 4.0 CGPA
Travel with friends
Study overseas
Pro in all language! ;D
Become a professional basketballer
Become a good rapper
Hip hop star ;D
Fly to other country ;))
lot of money \$$/
lot of friend
Bon Voyage Xanthrons! adios~
Wednesday, December 9, 2015 | 10:32 PM |
Assalamualaikum and Hello!
Setelah sekian lama tak update, and now I'm back.
Sekarang ni tengah free. Sebab apa? Dah habis SPM!
Anyway, lets take a look :
Classmate - 5 Bougainvillea
Crescendo Form 5
AJK Dinner Bon Voyage Xanthrons ( Form 5 )
Thanks to Aina for being my assistant. :)
Video and persembahan waktu dinner bolehlah click link bawah ni:
Motivate urself
"If you're not willing to risk it all, then you don't want it bad enough"
If people tell me that i can’t do
something, i will want to do it. ”
“ An open mind is the secret in
making friends.”
“I want to be the person who can be kind to the weak and be strong to the people who are strong”
"Follow your heart, not your head. Follow your passion."
"Just because you are different, doesn't mean that you are wrong"
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